Helpful Tips To Eliminate Bad Breath Permanently

Helpful Tips To Eliminate Bad Breath Permanently

Bad breath can result from poor oral hygiene.

 Food and bacteria collect in the mouth and on the tongue. Brushing and flossing help remove food particles and plaque. Here are some other ways to eliminate bad breath.

Brushing your teeth

In order to permanently get rid of bad breath, it’s important to brush your teeth properly. This means brushing twice a day for two minutes each time. While you’re brushing, make sure your toothbrush has soft bristles and reaches each surface of your teeth individually. Also brush your tongue to help remove bacteria that cause odor. Replace your toothbrush every three to four months or sooner if it shows wear.

Flossing daily

When you brush your teeth, you also want to floss between those hard-to-reach areas, like in between the teeth. This can help prevent plaque buildup that can result in bad breath. It also helps remove food particles that a toothbrush can’t clean out. If you have a bridge, crown, or any other fixed restoration in your mouth, special flossing tools are available to get between those areas. Give us a call, and we can show you which kind is best for you.

Brushing your tongue

The tongue harbors bacteria that produce volatile sulfur compounds, which are responsible for bad breath. Your dentist may recommend cleaning your tongue with a tongue scraper or tongue brush after brushing and flossing to help remove odor-causing germs.

In addition to daily brushing and flossing, use mouthwash to kill off lingering bacteria and freshen your breath! Use an alcohol-free mouthwash for sensitive mouth tissues like gums.

Avoiding dry mouth

Saliva coats the mouth and neutralizes acids created by bacteria in your mouth. Without saliva production, there is an increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease because the mouth isn’t properly cleaned. Sugary foods and carbonated beverages tend to cause dry mouth because these items increase the production of acid in the mouth. Tobacco products also dry out the mouth. A dry mouth is not only uncomfortable, but it can also lead to bad breath.

A temporary fix for dry mouth is sugar-free candy or gum. If this doesn’t do the trick, ask your dentist what you can do to keep your mouth moist throughout the day. Your dentist may recommend using an oral moisturizer or taking an over-the-counter medication. Chronic dry mouth may be a sign of a serious health problem that requires medical attention. In these cases, you should visit your primary care doctor. Some medications used to treat depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, allergies, and other health conditions can negatively affect your oral health. Ask your doctor if any of your prescription medications are causing you to experience dry mouth.

Adjusting your diet

There are a number of foods that are known to contribute to bad breath. For example, garlic, onions, and coffee are known culprits. When consumed, these substances can cause oral odor to linger in the mouth for long periods of time. Over time, this can lead to what is known as chronic halitosis, which is a serious condition that needs to be treated by a dentist right away. If you frequently consume these foods and experience bad breath as a result, try limiting your intake as much as possible. If you do need to eat your favorite foods, try to brush and rinse your mouth thoroughly to reduce the impact they have on the breath.

Regularly changing your toothbrush

Your toothbrush can collect bacteria over time, so it’s important to get a new one on a regular basis. The American Dental Association recommends replacing your toothbrush every three to four months. A toothbrush with frayed bristles may also not be as effective in removing plaque and bacteria from your teeth.

Replacing your toothbrush frequently will help keep your mouth fresh and clean. It can also help to prevent cavities and keep your gums healthy.

Scheduling regular dental checkups

A dentist can identify the underlying cause of your bad breath so that you can eliminate the source and soothe your mouth quickly. He or she can also recommend an effective solution to get rid of your bad breath once and for all!

While at-home treatments can be effective at eliminating bacteria, they don’t provide the same benefits as professional cleanings. Visiting the dentist every six months for professional teeth cleaning and examination not only improves your overall health but can also prevent bad breath. Regular dental exams can also reduce your risk for gum disease, keeping your breath fresh and clean for years to come.

To learn more, visit Grace Dental at 2204 S El Camino Real Suite 100, Oceanside, CA 92054, or call (877) 464-7223 to book an appointment.

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